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Velentine's day in Islam




Valentine's Day in Islam
St.Valentine's day is celebrated on 14th February every year in the whole world, which is not allowed in Islam due to various reasons:

1. Remember of Saint Valentine' sacrifice
This is celebrated in memory of Saint Valentine who was killed due to love with a woman illegally, but later his sacrifice was remembered every year with his name. Unfortunately, this day was initially propagated as Lover's day in Muslim countries and cleverly changed the name as Valentine's Day (instead of St. Valentine's Day). As this is purely remembrance of Non-Muslim personality therefore this is without any doubt an non-Islamic event.

2. Special Day to show love to a Non-Mehram
Islam doesn't allow to fall in love before marriage between man and woman, so it should not be celebrated by Muslims. Some Muslims give gifts and cards to their parents, husbands, wives in this occassion, which shows that indirectly they are agree with it so they should also ignore this day and do the same good acts in Eid-ul-Fitr & Eid-ul-Azha instead.

3. Mulinationals & Media Movement
Since last few years, some FMCG multinational companies are strongly active in Pakistan to publicize this day. All national newspapers and television media are being sponsored by them. They want to show that without using their products St. Valentines Day is nothing. Ads of Icecream, sweets, chocolates and cellular special packages are widely shown before this day. Why? just because they want their business grow and make money. They don't care what would be the negative effect in our society by their publicity. To save our young generation, it is our duty not to buy such brands in so called Valentine's Day, which are becoming termites of our Islamic culture.

4. Wastage of Money
As this day is majorly celebrated by young generation those are in school/college age and they are using their parents money for their expenditures that's why they are wasting money and nothing else and every Muslim knows that wastage of money is not allowed in Islam.
and waste not by extravagance. Verily, He likes not Al`Musrifoon (those who waste by extravagance)
[al-An`aam 6:141]

However, if any Muslim nothing find harm to celebrate this day then he/she should think:
a) There is no Islamic personality or occassion which is celebrated or remembered by Non-Muslims.
b) Valentine's day is accepted and celebrated by cartoonists (May Allah Curse upon them) of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wa'alehi-wasallam). Remember! they didn't make Saint Valentine's Cartoons.
c) Wine is a key item of spending valentine's day in abroad that is not allowed in Pakistan due to country's prohibitions.
d) This day is also celebrated by Homosexuals. Did you forget Prophet Lut's Quranic event? How Allah has cursed homosexuals.

Islamic scholars of all school of thoughts declared celebrating Valentines Day is not allowed to Muslims. There are so many Quranic Verses and Hadiths which proves that celebrating non-islamic events are strictly prohibited is Islam.

I request our all members and visitors not to give any Valentine's greeting to anyone this year. Insha'Allah with the help of each other we may remove this fitnah from the hearts of Muslims

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